Mobiquity Minute: Creating a 5 star brand experience

Brittany Mills
Publication Date
11 May 2021

Mobiquity Minute: Creating a 5 star brand experience

Operationalizing your staff, associates, or employees is critical to ensuring that the customer experience is consistent. Whether customers are engaging with your brand in-store, online, or in the mobile app, the experience that they have with you should represent your brand equally at every touch point.

In this video, Britt Mills, Senior Director of Customer Experience at Mobiquity, discusses how drastically a poor in-store experience can impact your digital products and solutions.


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The Mobiquity Minute video series was created to provide tips, insights, and expert perspectives on all things digital. True to its name, in just about a minute, watchers will learn about a variety of digital topics – from mobile apps to conversational AI, digital transformation, customer and employee engagement, AI/ML, and everything in between. Check back often for new videos regularly. Want to keep watching? Scroll down for more interesting insights.


We've seen a lot of five star app experiences generate one star ratings and reviews because an in store experience didn't match the app experience. For example, we see across clients now that, when you analyze the ratings or reviews in the app store, we typically would have seen around 80% focus specifically on the app experience. Today, across some of our clients, we're only seeing 40% of ratings and reviews actually talk about the app experience: the flow, the features, the capabilities that it offers.

And we're seeing as high as 20% to 25% of customers, in the app store ratings and reviews, give reviews on the store experience itself. How clean it is, how friendly the associates were, how quick the experience was, how difficult it is to find a parking spot.

We're also seeing around 5% to 6% of customers leave reviews on associates. Did the associates meet their expectations, were they helpful while in store shopping. So it's important to understand that, while your app experience should be - you should always strive for a five star experience, you have to make sure your in store experience, your associate training, your associate enablement is just as important, because in your customers eyes, their experience, their brand experience, is holistic and it's every touch point with your brand, not just the specific application that you've deployed

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