Let us help you migrate your on-premise infrastructure to the cloud to reduce cost, improve flexibility, and guarantee scalability.
As we emerge from the pandemic and deal with the worldwide economic recession, simply continuing business as usual is no longer a viable strategy. You need to find ways to cut costs without sacrificing the availability of your systems or the security of your data.
That’s where cloud comes in. Cloud migration services will provide you with the building blocks to achieve long-term sustainable operational cost takeout. Likewise, it offers flexibility and scalability you can’t achieve on-prem.
Let’s talk about how our cloud services can support your business needs!While lift and shift may be the necessary first step, your enterprise will not truly benefit from the cloud simply by moving from your own data center to someone else's. Confidence in cloud platforms continues to grow, and more and more companies are not only moving their data to the cloud, but they are transforming it there as well.
Scalability, accessibility, and flexibility are core drivers, as is cost-reduction. To enjoy the benefit of cost-takeout, companies need to push through the “last mile” of their modernization process: by refactoring apps in a serverless environment.
Mobiquity has extensive experience implementing serverless environments and refactoring apps, as well as building cloud native. Taking advantage of cloud native tooling to enhance the overall effectiveness of data, and exposing it to a wider user base, whether internal or external, is the focus of many of our customers now.
We created new cloud migration services to address these specific needs by developing Serverless architectures, Cloud Native tooling, ML infused APIs and API everywhere concepts. Embedding these new technologies or approaches is allowing us to develop frictionless interfaces that provide highly personalized experiences that can scale and perform effortlessly.
Amaze is our proprietary automation tool that moves workloads into the cloud faster than traditional methods.
With Amaze, we can:
We help prioritize the “why” behind your transformation, then guide you through the playbook that drives cloud maturity in your environment. We bring the plan, processes and best practices to ensure your cloud migration and adoption experiences move smoothly ahead and drives the business results you need.
Want to learn more about Amaze and our cloud migration services?
The largest US Government sponsored financial services enterprise wanted to test Amaze before committing to using it in a large-scale migration project. For this POC, we focused on the migration of two applications with over one million lines of code from WebLogic Application Server to Non-Commercial Application Servers, while still retaining and even improving the availability and fault tolerance performance. The applications needed to be refactored, then built and deployed from a high cost private data center to a private cloud on OpenShift Container Platform.
With Amaze, we were able to:
The results included: