Mobile Application Development

The Importance of Developing a Great Mobile App

The average adult consumes five times more information every day than they did 50 years ago, and they’re spending more than 12 hours of their day in front of a screen. Now more than ever, it’s increasingly difficult to engage with consumers who have so much information in front of them at any given moment. 

Interestingly, 80% of the time that humans spend on their phones is actually related to app usage. This would explain why there are over two million mobile apps available in the app store, and why businesses are adopting the trend or failing to thrive in today’s noisey market.

Ready to rethink your mobile app strategy?

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Benefits of Mobile Applications

bigger_phones_higher_engagementAside from keeping up with the competition, developing a mobile app serves a greater purpose for your organization and can create lasting, positive impact. Here are some of the benefits that companies experience as a result of adding a mobile app to their digital strategy:
  • Users have a faster, more responsive channel for quicker access to your brand, solutions, and products
  • Brand owners have a new way to reach consumers and market to them
  • Businesses can realize cost savings versus brick-and-mortar stores, boots on the ground, and physical or manual support
  • And the benefits don’t stop with the consumer - apps designed for employees can result in increased efficiency and job satisfaction

How a Mobile App Can Make An Impact on Your Brand


An app can reach users in a specific time or place enabling you to offer goods or services exactly when and where consumers need them

Event Marketing

Provide users with real-time access to speakers, on-site product demos, and other relevant information to help your conference or tradeshow run more smoothly

Loyalty Rewards

Allow users to track, manage, and leverage rewards right from the app to increase engagement with and loyalty to your brand

Our mobile app development consulting can help you find solutions to your challenges. Let’s talk.

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How to Get Started
Creating & Managing a Mobile App

How to Get Started

These days, there are many options for brands looking to start mobile application development or revamp their mobile app. Despite the plethora of choices, too many apps are being developed without the insight needed to create a comprehensive strategy and ultimately a successful mobile app. Our proprietary research shows that there are several factors that contribute to failure of an app, including:

  • Low number of app reviews
  • Negative comments inside the app reviews
  • Average or less than average star rating
  • Login issues
  • Accessibility and flexibility

The consequences of a poor user experience with these features can have a lasting impact on your business as a whole. For example, low app reviews can lead to poor brand perception and login issues may deter users from regular interaction with your services. With so much at stake, you need to thoroughly consider the features that matter most in your industry to ensure that once your app is launched, it helps your brand, not hurts it.

Why work with Mobiquity?
Choosing a Mobile App Partner

Why work with Mobiquity?

Developing a successful mobile app is complex. It’s important to get it right, especially when your brand depends on it. Finding mobile app development consulting partner that will hear your needs, work in collaboration with you, bring a multitude of experts to the table, and create an experience that furthers your business goals can be tough. The Mobiquity difference, and how we achieve all of these objectives, lies in our people.  Our team also has excellent working knowledge in all mobile device programming languages and can help you identify the most compatible or best language for android apps or IOS apps you wish to create.

Beyond a best in class team, only Mobiquity has the insights that enable our customers to prioritize the features that matter most in creating a successful user experience. Our Friction Report combines data, sentiment, and actual feedback from customers to provide the most accurate view of which features and functionality trigger reviews in your market. This report serves as the roadmap to creating a 5 star app that drives positive engagement with your brand.

Want to see for yourself? Contact us to receive a copy of a Mobiquity Friction Report highlighting the most important features for you to consider.

Turn to Mobiquity when you’re ready start your mobile application development

Mobiquity is a global digital consultancy that helps the world’s leading brands understand, apply, and engage with technology in meaningful ways. With mobile app development consulting, we can help you strategize, create, and implement a custom mobile app that helps you thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Our full-service teams are focused on creating powerful experiences for your users that bolsters brand loyalty and trust.

Whether you want to develop a brand new mobile app for your business or update your current one, Mobiquity is ready to help.

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