How to power customer first digital transformation

Publication Date
15 September 2023

How to power customer first digital transformation

Ready to begin your digital transformation journey? Like any journey, there will be challenges along the way, but with persistence, vision, and teamwork, you will emerge victorious. As you begin to plan your digital transformation, keep these 4 key points in mind:

1. Define your strategy first
When digital transformation fails, it is usually because the initiative lacks strategy. There is no substitute for market research, extensive exploration about the user’s pain points and expectations, and a clear direction for how you are going to use technology to bolster specific key performance indicators (KPIs). Ultimately, this amounts to what we call the North Star.

2. Use the latest technologies and out of the box platform solutions
During the digital transformation journey you will need support from the IT department, so it’s important to embrace modern best practices such as Agile development, Low-code development platforms and DevOps, as well as enabling technologies such as cloud computing. Platforms like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics offer both low-code development platforms and enterprise platforms, providing comprehensive integrated solutions for organisations while also enabling users to build custom applications with minimal coding. This combination of enterprise functionality and low-code development capabilities makes them a versatile choice for organisations looking to enhance their operations and tailor software to their specific needs.

3. Seamless omnichannel experience
Providing an omnichannel experience is the baseline for success in today’s phygital world and this requires delivering a customer experience across multiple channels that is consistent. Your strategy needs to deliver what your users want and where they want it. This represents a shift in customer experience thinking, where the user's experience is personalised and moves them through their preferred channels as easily as possible.

4. Customer Experience is all about personalisation
Strong data analytic capabilities will make a difference in staying competitive in a market that is dominated by hyper-personalised offerings. Recommending new goods or services based on previous purchases, or offering special promotions on items that complement products that the customer already enjoys is a great example. Look for opportunities to find the right time and place to send your message to maximize your chances of a conversion.

The key to successful digital transformation

Choosing the right technology is a key factor for successful digital transformation. We have been recognised for our high-quality work helping our clients achieve measurable results for their business, while ensuring a seamless customer experience. We are experts in both Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics enterprise and low-code platforms which enable us to successfully assist your organisation in building custom applications with minimal coding.

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